Protiviti insurance experts discuss the future of asset protection in the metaverse

- "The metaverse could offer an experience that maintains that personal face-to-face interaction in the digital model, when you're able to introduce more visually engaging ways to help buyers understand product features and tradeoffs."
- "Anything that has value against it, and [virtual assets] are predicted to have significant value against, will have to have different insurance products that will have to be developed to protect that value going forward."
- "I think the industry is evolving itself even beyond the metaverse. There are big changes coming to the industry; five to 10 years from now, we'll have driverless cars; there will be a lot of uncertainty in weather patterns and climate; and we'll have people actually operating and exchanging money through crypto currencies and exchanges. Big changes."
What will insurance look like in the metaverse future? To help sort it all, the VISION by Protiviti podcast welcomes a panel of Protiviti insurance experts, including managing directors Shawn Seasongood and Tom Luick, as well as director Jackie Simmons. Alex Weishaupl, a managing director with Protiviti Digital practice, leads this important discussion.
In this podcast:
1:30 - Key issues in customer experience
5:40 - Claims processing
9:50 - Employee experience and talent
14:45 - Metaverse and consistency
18:25 - Unlocking strategies
23:02 - Speed of change by types of insurance
28:45 - Constraints that will slow adoption
35:25 – The next 10 to 15 years
Panel of Protiviti insurance experts discuss the future of asset protection in the metaverse
Joe Kornik: Welcome to the VISION by Protiviti podcast. I'm Joe Kornik, Editor-in-Chief of VISION by Protiviti, our global content resource examining big themes that will impact the C-Suite and executive boardrooms worldwide. Today, we're exploring insurance in a metaverse future, and we've got great guests to help us do that.
As we're joined by Protiviti insurance experts and managing directors, Sean Seasongood and Tom Luick, as well as director Jackie Simmons. And I'm happy to turn over the interviewing duties today to another Protiviti colleague, Alex Weishaupl, a managing director in Protiviti's Digital practice, to lead this important discussion. Alex, over to you to.
Alex Weishaupl: Thanks, Joe. When we talk about the metaverse at Protiviti, we're talking about both the customer-facing technologies that enable user experiences; those virtual reality or mixed reality technologies that users engage with via screens or advanced headsets, and how they serve as interfaces to a host of enabling tech made-up of everything from decentralized systems like blockchain to more traditional systems and data stores. The key to all of this is interoperability, that these systems come together to power compelling experiences for their consumers.
Excited to be here today with Tom, Jackie and Shawn so we can talk about the metaverse and how this group of technologies and ways of engaging users are poised to affect the insurance industry. Let's get started.
My first question for the group is what are some of the key issues you see in the current insurance customer experience and how might the metaverse help to address any of those issues or those gaps?
Shawn Seasongood: Thanks Alex, I'll take that first. So I think insurance companies have really been looking at, you know, two different models. There's been the legacy model, which is more of an agent sales experience, and there's also the direct model. I do think that, you know, there's a lot of benefits from the legacy agent sales experience. But if you look at the way that companies are marketing themselves, there's much more consumers that want to go direct. And I think the metaverse could offer an experience that maintains that personal face-to-face interaction in the digital model, so thinking about in the future when you're able to introduce more visually engaging ways to help buyers understand product features and tradeoffs. This could be a great way where companies could really start to enhance their direct channels and their efforts around direct selling.
Me personally, I've experienced this recently, I purchased a golf cart in December. My first thought was to go to my traditional agent that does my homeowners and car and see if I could add a golf cart policy. Well, my particular agent didn't have that policy and asked me that, you know, I could buy it directly online, so I did my fair share of research. I thought I was pretty astute when it came to this topic, and even, you know, looking at some of the direct options I had, I was a little bit unsure as far as what kind of coverage I needed. Do I need collision plus liability? I'm in a flood zone so I need to have a flood insurance as well…
So, at the end of the day, I actually didn't buy the policy direct and I went to another agent that actually offered golf cart insurance and it was a pretty good experience. Spent 15 minutes with the agent. I was able to secure the right type of insurance, but I walked away knowing that, you know, I mean, spending 15 minutes with the person, you know, the total premium was probably around $300. And it was, you know, something that I thought that if that direct model had that enhanced feel and that experience that you might be able to get through a meta solution I think that you could see where, you know, companies are going to be spending a lot more time enhancing their capabilities in this space, again, to achieve that agent sales experience using sort of a meta sort of enhancement.<>So I kind of felt it first hand as far as what the current experience is versus what that experience might look like in the next 5 to 10 years.
Jackie Simmons: I think another component there, you know customer experience is critical for all companies, and insurance companies are not different. But there is a cost impact that is higher to some organizations from a customer experience. There are a lot of costs associated with agency models and the ability to leverage alternative models of delivery can help from the cost side as well as enhance the customer experience. So bringing both of those together.<>Another example would be potentially in an employee benefits type of scenario, right? Typically you're sending a lot of folks on site to an organization to help train and understand all the types of benefits that are available to them. The use of metaverse technologies could actually streamline that and bring down the costs associated with it in order to deliver even advanced solutions as well as potentially increase the amount of sales that are happening within the employee benefit space just by giving them a different way of learning and engaging.
Weishaupl: That’s great. And it sounds like there are some real substantive areas where the metaverse might be able to improve, for lack of a better term, that sales and onboarding process within the insurance industry. I'd love to talk a little bit about other areas that could be impacted as well. And I think, for example, an area like claims processing which has historically been an area of friction for both policyholders and the insurance provider alike. What kind of changes could we expect in that process in a metaverse-enabled future?
Tom Luick: Thanks, Alex, This is Tom. I'll jump in here and go first. How a claim is processed, from the timeliness and quality of communication to how long the it takes to complete the claim and, you know, for example in the auto space have your automobile fixed, to the ultimate payout is really critical to the customers experience with the carrier. And if the claim is not handled to the customer's satisfaction, there's a good chance that the customer may leave.
So when I think about the impact of the metaverse in the claims process, I think about things like how could digital twins accelerate the process end to end and make the process more intimate and more aligned with the customer's preferences and expectation. So for example, if a customer had a digital twin that digital twin could have preferences on how that customer wants to be communicated to, what's the style of communication, how frequently they want to be communicated to and what's the platform. And I think that's critical throughout the claims process.
So if you are, you know, again sticking with the auto accident, if you're in an auto accident, I think one of the most important things that your insurer can do is communicate to you effectively in a way that you want to be communicated to. Or the automobiles themselves could have digital twins that could use, you know, IoT sensor data and other information, telematics data, etcetera, to better predict the damage that was done to the vehicles and avoid surprises in the repair shop process.
And then finally you think about, what about the repair shop? So if repair shops were to have digital twins, maybe that would help predict the best place for specific repairs to go. And that could be based on the workload at the repair shop, their experience, how customer review data aligns with the specific insured’s preferences and other factors. So I think there's a really significant opportunity for insurance carriers to leverage the metaverse in the claims space. And while we're probably not there yet—you'd have to build out all of these digital twins and so forth—I really think this is a fascinating opportunity for the industry to really improve the customer experience where it truly does matter most.
Simmons: You know, Tom, that is an excellent point on having a digital twin of a car. I would say this also is a potential to open up for new products because as the parent of a recent 16-year old, I would certainly pay more to have access to digital twin of my son's driving in the car and you know, maybe in the way it's utilized, right? Thankfully, they didn't have this technology when I was a kid, I probably would have gotten my car taken away a few times. But you know, as a parent, you know, safety of our of our family is critical, and I think you know, this does open up opportunity for products that we haven't even thought about.
Weishaupl: I think that's really exciting, that idea of kind of taking all of that insurance data and processes and decisions out of that black box so that more folks can see it, whether, Tom, as you were alluding to the customers or the partners, Jackie with employees and others, that notion that rather than having all of this information sitting in one place versus another, that that ability to combine them together and visualize that so that all of the different players are looking at the same information from the same perspective, is a really exciting way of opening up transparency and confidence in in the overall process.
I'd love to shift a little bit now to the employee experience. We know that there's a big turnover currently in talent across the insurance industry that we're going through right now, a bit of almost a generational changing of the guard. What do you see as some of the key causes for that turnover and are there any places where the metaverse could help?
Simmons: Yeah, I you know, this is an interesting thing and I think maybe I'm an interesting person to answer this question because I started my career as an actuary and that was probably five years and I was quickly out, right. We are probably not seeing as many individuals going into the actuarial space as we had historically. I think we're not seeing as many young grads wanting to move into the insurance space, not just in actuarial science, but also, you know, not even in claims, and even agents, right? We're not seeing the attachment to being an insurance agent, having the stature that it did probably 20 to 30 years ago. So I think that utilizing emerging technologies such as the metaverse can start to entice young professionals into the insurance space.
Luick: I agree, Jackie, I think. Omnichannel e-commerce is already happening for a lot of people, right? And the demographic that's involved in that is growing quickly and so is its economic power, right, as they become more lucrative in their careers and so forth. I think now is the time for insurance companies to start testing and learning in the metaverse. And that can be a huge attraction for young talent for these organizations, which, rightly or wrongly, are often perceived as not being very innovative. So I think there's a real opportunity to use this as a mechanism to start attracting talent, to show that a lot of these insurance companies are actually innovating, and innovating at a high pace in an area that's I think going to be extremely important to their futures. So there is an opportunity here to leverage the metaverse, to attract and retain the type of talent that insurance carriers and others in the industry, brokers and so forth, are looking for.
Seasongood: Yeah, and there's been no doubt that, you know, this has been a huge issue. Talent in the industry, probably for the last 10 to 15 years just based on the points that both Jackie and Tom are alluding to. It was a big problem before the pandemic, it became an increasingly bigger problem after the pandemic with the great resignation so how do we attract that next generation of insurance leadership has been something that the industry has been struggling with.<>So I do think, you know, as Tom and Jackie alluded to, the product development. If you have the opportunity to kind of look at these new interesting risks in the form of digital assets that might attract some people who traditionally might not have found insurance that interesting or who went to the different banks or different financial services companies. It might be a way of kind of getting that talent back into the insurance space. And I think a lot of has been talked about training. We talked about training the last time around claims. Within the metaverse, there is an opportunity to digitally show employees what to look for in an aftermath of a building or a big cat event.
You know you can't, and sure doesn't simulate huge events like fires and tornadoes in real time, or the real world. Just too costly, too expensive. And we talked about, if there's a big cat, the first time people are looking at these claim files or these claim events or the damage, you want them to be well trained as far as what to do. A lot of times, you know, the new newer generations, they want to work remotely so they've already kind of deployed things like drones, where they're able to take pictures. Based on different property damage and then based on that imagery you're able to kind of show people how to adjudicate these claims and to the point that we talked about before that might result in a more effective, more efficient claim adjudication process and that the underlying result will be a happier customer or policyholder that would be more likely to become a return customer.<>So I do think the metaverse is very, very important as far as attracting that next wave of talent, it is a big issue that the industry has been struggling for the last 15 years and I think it could be one of the solutions when it comes to both training and also attracting that next talent of insurance leadership.
Weishaupl: One question I have for you building on that, really excited about this theme of using these innovations as a way of creating more of a halo effect for the insurance industry to attract that new talent. I guess one of the other things I'm curious about within that space of the employee experience, does the insurance space struggle with consistency around things like claims and other things? Could we see this to the point that you started to allude to, Shawn, around experiential learning. Could that have an effect too on kind of normalizing or making more consistent processes, or is that already fairly well taking care of with within the insurance space?
Seasongood: Yeah, I definitely think around risk acceptance and underwriting practices, sometimes there is some subjectivity to that. I think you know the data that you can power from the meta could actually help to that consistency. I look at other things like the sales cycle, you know, obviously those are the other areas where the meta could collect data and harvest that data in a way that is very powerful asset for the insurance company of the future. Most startup insurance companies are focusing first on data and data management and data science as sort of their starting point.
As far as what is that, you know, insurance company of the future specifically. It's not just within the PNC space I think life insurance companies have the same type of focus, so I definitely feel like that's an area to drive more consistency, to your point, to drive better outcomes for the insurance industry as whole.
Luick: I think that's a good point, and it would probably add just that not only is consistency important from an operational excellence perspective and a customer experience perspective, but there's also an opportunity here to manage compliance risk through the consistent execution of underwriting decisions, claims, process handling, et cetera.
Simmons: I think one of the challenges insurance companies have too is the ability to deploy talent across different lines and solutions. Sean, to your point on training, leveraging some of these technologies, it can do a few things. Younger generations really want to have a breadth of experiences. Gone are the days where somebody wants to come in and retire from the job that they entered, right? We all want to have those different experiences. So leveraging the metaverse for training can quickly get new grads, mid-careers, late careers up to speed more quickly, either in other products or other processes. That'll give the company a a few benefits, right? One is, the cost of talent has significantly increased. If you can leverage the talent that you have to do different types of roles as well as cover cyclical types of business, right. So when you have a downtime in one business but an increase in another, you can leverage your same staff across those different processes or products. It also gives you the ability to rapidly grow talent into leadership roles within the organization, which we all are desperately looking for. So I think leveraging the metaverse within the talent space could be the biggest benefit to an organization.
Weishaupl: That’s great. So far we've talked broadly about the customer experience and the employee experience. I'd love to get a little bit more specific or nuanced and hear a little bit about how you see this technology affecting how insurance companies might enable their different strategies from, ones that are more cost-focused to product-focused or relationship-focused. How can we see the the metaverse unlocking different strategies for those different types of insurance companies?
Simmons: Yeah, I think this is a really great point for everyone to stop and reflect in this podcast. Where is your organization and where do they lean in? If your organization goes to market mostly on a cost basis, how do you leverage the metaverse to increase value while reducing costs? If you are a product-forward organization, what are ways that you leverage the metaverse to create new products, to have differentiating products that your competitors cannot and will not be able to keep up with you? And thirdly, if you are a relationship strategy organization, how do you make meaningful deep relationships through the metaverse, which sounds challenging for sure, but how do you create those deep relationships that are meaningful to someone without maybe sitting across the desk face-to-face, and create longevity with those clients and stickiness, if you will, on their returning business and future business.
Luick: Yeah, I agree. I think there are use cases across the value chain for the industry to take advantage of with the metaverse, and I really agree with Jackie's point in that it's not one-size-fits-all, you really need to think about what is it that our organization, to use Jackie's words, is going to lead into and prioritize those areas. So for example, if you're an organization that leverages an agent experience pretty heavily, is there an opportunity in the sales cycle to leverage the metaverse? Maybe a customer will do some on some online research and have questions that come up or have things that need to be resolved, they don't understand, etcetera. Maybe there's an opportunity to have the metaverse as an interim step before that goes directly to the agent model or to an agent where obviously the cost of that sales cycle now goes up because there's human involvement.
So I think that there are opportunities throughout the cycle, but organizations are going to need to think about, where does this fit with our strategy? Where does this fit with the demographics of our customers and how do we make it work for those who want to leverage the metaverse and have a more omni-channel experience with us, but also leave the door open for those who are going to buy or expect their claims to be processed or their policy to be managed through more traditional means.
Seasongood: I agree with, and this is Shawn, I'll just add to what Jackie and Tom said, and I think they summed it up really well, but the one thing I also look at is, to Jackie’s points, not a one size fits all but also the flexibility because it might change, the way you use meta to do home or personal lines might be different than the way you use meta to do commercial, might be different the way you do it for life and annuity. There's a lot of flexibility around this and I could see the industry taking some time to really adopt to it.
But I do think, when you look at product disbursement and also geo, there's going to be different strategies too, a lot of insurance companies now think globally and they sell products across the globe, so what might work in North America might not be exactly what works in Europe, so there's got to be different ways of looking at it, flexible, and there's going to be some trial and error. It's going to be something like any natural evolution where it's going to take some time to get it right.
But I think the companies that invest in it early probably have a better path to being successful because I do think there will be significant trial in our era until this is really streamlined and fit for purpose for all different organizations.
Weishaupl: Shawn, you touched on a great point about how this is likely going to affect different types of insurance differently. I wonder if you guys might talk a little bit about how does that potential for change or the speed of change potentially differ for different types of insurance?
Seasongood: Well, I think, there's ways of looking at it differently. When it comes to metaverse, everybody's going to be operating in the metaverse, not just insurance companies. It's going to be a way that we function and operate going forward as a you know as a, as a civilization. There's now new assets that need to be protected associated with the metaverse. There's going to be virtual property insurance in the metaverse where individuals can buy and own virtual land, buildings and other assets, they'll have to be insured just like the real world. There’ll be virtual goods in the members, individuals can purchase goods such as clothing, accessories, digital currencies. They will also have to have insurance products associated with that. Virtual events, whether they're concerts or sporting events, again, that's another event that is costly to organize and therefore you'll have to protect against it in case it gets cancelled or any other unforeseen circumstances.
And also obviously, cyber liability insurance. As more people spend time in the metaverse, there's an increased risk of cyberattacks, just like the world we live in today with the Internet, and then obviously identity theft insurance. With the increase of virtual interactions, there is risk that somebody's identity, theft and fraud associated with somebody's, you know, metaverse identity. So all these different risks that are going to become much more important. And again, anything that has value against it, and these things are predicted to have significant value against, will have to have different insurance products that will have to be developed to protect that value going forward.
I look at that from a P&C lens. I don't know if others within the call they might be able to speak how they also see it, but I think from a product development standpoint, it's going to be pretty dynamic because you know the metaverse in itself is dynamic, so there's going to have to be some creative nuances developed within the marketplace to really protect those assets going forward.<>Simmons: Shawn, to your point earlier, if you don't know where to get golf cart insurance, I certainly don't know where to go if I want to protect the digital version of myself, right? Is it a traditional life insurance company or does PNC carry digital life, if you will? I think that will become a challenge. Is that something that's even insurable?
And then the reality is, there are a lot of fraudulent claims, to go back to a little bit to our point on the claims side. How do we even know what a fraudulent claim looks like against products that are really new to the market and we don't have a lot of data on from a claims perspective, I think it has a lot of impact into all insurance companies. I think life is maybe a little different and employee benefits might be a little different from a product perspective.
Seasongood: I think Jackie brings up a good point too about, we don't have 30 years of data associated with these new products. Traditionally insurance models, you take a lot of data through history and you're able to price and sell the products pretty successfully knowing what the future cost of claims will be. It's going to be a little bit sticky as far as the first couple of years, as you know, with these different pricing discussions around these digital assets because we don't have the data to really kind of….traditionally, we have a lots and lots of data before we make pricing decisions. So the pricing decisions around these will definitely be interesting to see how they evolve.
Luick: I agree, Shawn. I think there's a learning curve similar to what we saw with the cyber insurance market where over time things certainly tightened in that market significantly, as did the requirements placed on organizations to get a cyber policy in the first place. So I think we will see similar learning curves here because the data is just not there to support the models yet and people are going to probably in some cases find out that they were assuming more risk than they thought based on how they priced things, and they'll have to adjust.
Weishaupl: It's really fascinating thinking about this idea of the speed of technology change that we're living through, with an example of wanting data that goes back to maybe to 1993, that's a bit of kind of a funny discontinuity to think through, of how you balance that rate of change and the inherent conservativism that's needed to have that data to be able to build good predictive models that go into insurance.
So knowing that's certainly one key constraint, I'd love to know from the team here what are some of the other constraints you've observed that will likely slow the adoption of experience innovations like the metaverse.
Seasongood: Technical debt is a substantial issue for many in the industry and there's going to be a very significant investment required to capitalize on the opportunity of the metaverse and a lot of the other emerging technologies that are out there. So I think that is at baseline issue for many in the in the industry.
I think that there's some things in the metaverse that are also going to be challenging, so, for example, I don't think it's as easy in the insurance industry to define your strategy for the metaverse and your goals as it may be in, say, for example, consumer products, because the products and insurance are different, different demographics or buying insurance, etc.<>Secondly, I think it's really going to be interesting to see how many of these organizations, especially carriers, balance the metaverse with the agent experience and other sales channels.I think that's going to be very important. As we mentioned earlier, this probably isn't one-size-fits-all based on the products that you're selling and who's buying your products. So I think most carriers are going to have to really get comfortable that they understand their customer base well enough to make these types of decisions.
And then I think another key challenge would be what's the right platform in the metaverse for insurance carriers and brokers and others. And I think you know right now there's organizations in other industries that are having success with gaming platforms. Is that really going to resonate with individuals who are buying insurance versus, say, buying clothing or other consumer products? I'm not sure. So really thinking through what's a platform that's going to resonate with our constituents and our customers and our potential customers is something that's not going to be easy for a lot of organizations in this industry to figure out.
Simmons: I think it's important to remember that there are good and valid reasons why some organizations may not participate in the metaverse, or at least not immediately. There are, for example, in life insurance, a lot of life insurance organizations run 100-year liabilities and sometimes they run those on systems that are 40-50-60 years old and those products just may not make sense to implement. It's really important for an organization to step back, understand who they are, who they are in the marketplace and who they are as an organization and say, where does implementing the metaverse make sense?
If it's going to only get one kind of plug, maybe it's the employee experience, maybe the customer experience is most important. It isn't something where organizations need to run full speed into all the different facets that they could implement the metaverse because they may get so disparate in their efforts that nothing is leveraged to its full capacity and turned into a competitive advantage.<>And that's what this is really about. How do we leverage something in the metaverse as a competitive advantage for our organization. There just might be reasons why it's not the best place for all organizations to start right away.
Seasongood: I guess I'll just add that this is really early days about the metaverse. The continuing expansion is going to happen, it's inevitable. It's going to continue to be significant shifts in the way that businesses and insurance companies use the metaverse and its technology advancement. I do think it's early days. Is this a similar situation like when social media first became, you know, came on ground, we might not yet foresee all the ethical, reputational or legal risk associated with the metaverse. I immediately think of regulations and respect for social norms will be imperative, and insurers will have to ensure that people engage safely with all kinds of virtual experiences. The business of insurance is the business of risk management so again, with early days of this metaverse, it will be very interesting to see where it goes.
But I think a regulation is something that's going to be a challenge because it's going to be how these products are regulated, how the metaverse in itself is regulated. I think is a little bit early to be determined and I it will be interesting to stay close to that.
Close to 20 years ago when we first started getting social media and how people and regulation has changed over time associated with that. So I think as companies continue to wrap and develop innovations, they're going to continue to offer products to protect against those innovations, and I think the industry in itself has spent a lot of time in building that trust with policyholders and they've really worked hard to earn that trust of policyholders and consumers and it will be interesting as these things evolve that they continue to evolve in the way that they can continue to ensure that trust in a dynamic world such as the metaverse.
Weishaupl: That's really insightful as a way of looking at this domain. Tying it now to the last question. We've talked a little bit around what might come in the future, whether that's future regulations, some future risks that might may need to be insurable. I'd love to look a little bit further out, let's say 10 to 15 years. How do you see technologies like the metaverse more fundamentally, potentially changing insurance and what's insurable? How are you, and how is Protiviti looking at that notion of the future of asset protection?
Luick: It changes what's insurable in a few ways. One, there's going to be be new things, new risks that need to be insured as Shawn alluded to. I also believe that with some of this information, the way that claims are adjudicated and paid will also potentially change. For example, we talked earlier about having digital twins for automobiles in the claims process in case there was an auto accident. I wonder, and I believe at some point, the way that the IO T data comes together, other information that gets pulled into the metaverse potentially or is used in analytics around the accident, may have a big impact on how fault is determined for an accident.
So I think that as we continue to see these models evolve and these organizations learn from them, I do think that there's going to be emphasis put on, is there information that we're gleaning from the metaverse that determines whether we should pay a claim or not on existing insurance, things that we insure regularly today. So I think that there's really those two different angles. One, what are the new things that we're going to need to insure and what are the new risks that the metaverse and other emerging technologies create, and I think that's a that's a really interesting opportunity for the industry.
And then also, how do we leverage the metaverse to make sure that we are hopefully paying claims more fairly and more accurately and so forth, but it will also have an impact on decision making in the claims process on current insurance as well.
Seasongood: I think the industry is really evolving in itself beyond the metaverse. If you think about, 5-10 years from now, we'll have a lot less…we'll have, driverless cars. That's going to be a big change in the industry. There's going to be a lot of uncertainty as far as future weather patterns and climate. That's also a big change that's probably going to happen within the industry. I look at things like crypto and people actually operating and exchanging money through crypto currencies and exchanges. That's also a big change in industry. I think the industry in itself is evolving. It's really hard to predict what it's going to look like in the next 5 to 10 to 15 years because of all the underlying changes, but you throw metaverse in there, it's it's, it's another situation that's probably going to be, you know, I don't know if it will be a disruptor, but it'll be definitely something that will be helping the insurance company of the future really trying to manage these new and evolving risks, and it's going to be interesting to see, you know, how that all plays itself out.
I've been in insurance now 20 years. I cannot see the next 10 to 15 years in insurance looking anything like it did the last 10 to 20 years, so it definitely seems to be part of the overall evolution. As far more to come, maybe even two years’ time, we might have more clarity as far as how the metaverse will play… definitely we know it's going to play a big impact, I guess just to the to the extent and where it all fits within that evolution, I'm not sure.
Weishaupl: This was a great conversation today. Thanks, Shawn, Jackie, Tom. Now back to you, Joe.
Kornik: Thanks, Alex, and thank you for listening to the VISION by Protiviti podcast. Please be sure to rate and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and don't miss all the metaverse content we have at On behalf of Jackie, Tom, Shawn, and Alex. I'm Joe Kornik. We'll see you next time.
Alex Weishaupl is a Managing Director, Protiviti Digital – Creative and UX Design. He is a digital design executive with a deep history of helping clients envision, build and evolve customer experiences that help their organizations find and deliver on their vision and purpose to build rich connections with their audiences—both external and internal.

Shawn Seasongood is a Managing Director leading the Finance and Performance Management segment. He assists clients globally in business and system transformations to address growth, scalability of systems, challenges and process effectiveness. He is also one of the lead Managing Director in the areas Property & Casualty, Life Reinsurance and Broker Insurance operations, risk management and controls, and understands insurance rules and regulations, processes and risks.

Tom Luick is a Managing Director with more than 23 years of experience helping clients in the insurance and banking industries solve technology, compliance, and risk management challenges. Tom is a member of Protiviti's Technology Consulting Solution leadership team, a DEI champion for our Chicago office, and an advocate for education in the community. Tom's principal areas of practice include helping clients realize and protect value by transforming their technology risk management and governance functions.

Jackie Simmons is a Protiviti Director in Indianapolis and has more than 18 years of leadership and business experience working with a variety of organizations to enhance their business performance through strategy, internal audit, risk management and business analysis.