Innovation versus regulation and the future of digital banking with Blockchain Coinvestors CEO

- "The role of government is always to create pro innovation regulation, in my opinion, since innovation is the driver of jobs, GDP, and economic growth in every economy of the world. And any economy and any government that purposefully tries to slow down innovation, always regrets it later."
- "The financial industry has not provided consumer benefit in the last 20 years in a substantial way. And so, you have to begin there. And then you have to say, 'Well, okay, how did we create that consumer benefit in digital communications and content?'"
- "China, and Russia, and the euro and the EU, as examples, are preparing digitalized versions of monetary systems. And if the U.S. presumes that it can kill all that innovation, and just say, 'You have to stick with dollar on Swift and you have to answer your telephone call when someone calls you up to confirm the transfer,' that we're going to lose."
In this VISION by Protiviti podcast, Protiviti’s Lata Varghese, Managing Director, Digital Assets and Blockchain Solutions lead, interviews Matthew Le Merle, Managing Partner and CEO of Blockchain Coinvestors, which he launched in 2014 with the goal of providing broad coverage of the fastest growth blockchain companies and crypto projects. In this discussion, Lata and Matthew talk about the roles of government and the private sector in innovation, regulation, technology and the infrastructure upgrades required for the coming digital revolution. They also discuss the future of the U.S. dollar and what the financial future looks like over the next decade and beyond.
In this discussion:
0:56 – Who is Blockchain Coinvestors?
2:37 – The world’s financial infrastructure and the move to digital
6:14 – Setting up the conditions for innovation
8:40 – Providing regulatory clarity
13:44 – The race for digital dominance
19:50 – Can you standardize innovation?
25:40 – Positioning of the U.S. dollar
30:35 – The state of money in 2035
Matthew Le Merle is Managing Partner and CEO of Blockchain Coinvestors. Launched in 2014, Blockchain Coinvestors’ vision is that digital monies, commodities and assets are inevitable and all of the world’s financial infrastructure must be upgraded, and its mission is to provide broad coverage of the fastest-growth blockchain companies and crypto projects. Matthew is serves as Managing Partner of Keiretsu — the most active early-stage venture investors backing over 300 companies a year. Matthew’s career has spanned being a global strategy advisor, professional services firm leader, corporate operating executive, private equity and venture capital investor, and board director. His board work has included Chairman or Non-Executive Director roles in 15 public and private companies and active Advisory Board roles in fast growth companies.

Lata Varghese is Managing Director in Protiviti’s Technology Consulting practice and Protiviti’s Digital Assets and Blockchain practice leader. Lata is a seasoned executive with over 20 years of experience in helping clients successfully navigate multiple business and technology shifts. Prior to Protiviti, Lata was one of Cognizant’s early employees when the firm had less than1,000 employees, and she grew with the firm as it scaled to a $17Bn, Fortune 200 enterprise.

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